Posts in Mandimba Professional ...
Another Professional School in the works

Why are we building  professional schools?

Mozambique's economy is growing steadily and yet most of its citizens earn less than $2 a day.  Few have the qualifications necessary to hold down specialized jobs. This skill mismatch made it necessary for companies to hire 17,000 foreign workers last year.  These facilities will enable us to provide job training for unemployed youth.  We will offer certificated courses in agriculture, tourism, mining, construction and other industries that need qualified professionals. The Mozambican government has approved and provided land to construct a school in Mandimba.  

Fundação Missão Paulo will partner with us on this project.

If you would like to help please check out our GoFundMe page.

Detta Mandimba example

Detta Mandimba example

New Professional School in Maniamba

Last month we visited the construction site of Detta's new school in Maniamba, about 100 km north of Lichinga. It was impressive to see what has already built with local resources during the rainy season.

Meeting with the rainha of Maniamba (in red hat)

Meeting with the rainha of Maniamba (in red hat)

Meeting with the rainha of Maniamba (red hat)

Meeting with the rainha of Maniamba (red hat)

Bartolomeu Badueiro and Carlos Bola check out what has already been completed

Bartolomeu Badueiro and Carlos Bola check out what has already been completed

Night Watchman at school construction site

Night Watchman at school construction site

Carrying water at school construction site

Carrying water at school construction site