Posts in Training
Job Training Update

Since January 2014, 171 workers have taken Detta Moz Lda.'s technical training courses: Over 40% of the students were women. Forty were government employees upgrading their skills. Of the students seeking jobs, thirty-five have been hired so far by the government or private companies.We expect that many more workers will be able to take our training courses when our school buildings in Maniamba and Mandimba are completed.

job training update

job training update



TrainingJanet Norem
Meet the Metangula Staff
From left to right: Bartolomeu Bardeiro, Cecilia Ema Massude, Juilieta Paulino Mphicamphio, Cacilda, Momade

From left to right: Bartolomeu Bardeiro, Cecilia Ema Massude, Juilieta Paulino Mphicamphio, Cacilda, Momade

One of Detta's youth training centers is located in the town of Metangula, on the shores of Lake Niassa. Next month Detta's director, Bartolomeu Badueiro, will be in Metangula training 35 government employees in their respective areas of service:  office management, agricultural science, environmental resource management and public relations.